Portal Painting process artwork intuitive psychic readings painting

What is a Portal Painting?

A Portal Painting is a direct download from your Higher Self, to show you the path forward on your journey.

If you could sit and ask your Soul any question, what would it be?

That’s where we start.

And then Holly will channel intuitive guidance as it reveals itself.

Over 90 minutes, we explore together the messages and meanings that Spirit wants to communicate to you.

The result is an 18”x 24” painting of metaphor, imagery and direction.

Every painting is unique, direct from Source to your heart.

The sessions are full of curiosity, playful reverence, and love.


  • Sessions are held either in my art studio in Lake County, IL or via zoom. (address sent upon registration)

    Once registered, you will receive information about how to prepare for our session and what to bring.

    I ask that you have uninterrupted silence and a solid internet connection for the duration of our 90 minutes together.

    Afterwards, you will receive a recording of our session, a high-resolution image of the painting, as well as instructions for how to further your work with the images that came through.

    You will also have the option to purchase shipping to have the painting sent to you.

  • All humans are connected beyond all space and time to something larger than their individual selves.

    There are many, many terms and descriptions for the process we are undergoing together.

    Quantum Field, Mind of God, Superconscious, Higher Power, Imaginal Realm, the Muse, Intuition, the Mystery, God, Subconscious, Spirit, Source, Heaven, the Universe, Spirit Guides, Higher Self, Animal Guides, Heart of God, Gut, Shamanic Realm, Angels, Universal Consciousness, the “Other Side”, flow state, etc

    You can choose the term or description that fits your own belief system and comfort level. My own belief system (and terminology) has changed several times in the years that I have done this process, yet it continues to provide guidance, insight and healing.

  • In the 14 years that I have done this work, my own faith and spirituality has morphed several times over. In my experience, the “Other Side” is just happy to connect and is not particular about our terminology or human frameworks.

    God is the name of the blanket we put over mystery to give it a shape.” - AC/DC road manager, Barry Taylor.

    One of the questions I will ask you when we begin, is what you call your own “Higher Power” to make it accessible and reverent.

  • Yes! While I enjoy the in-person experience, virtual readings are just as clear and successful. Superconscious is a place within us that we can all access, and is not limited by time or space.

  • The Portal Paintings are on heavy watercolor paper, measuring 18”x24”. I follow intuitive guidance to decide whether I’m painting in Landscape or Portrait mode.

    If you are sitting for a Portal Painting in person, you will carry it home with you.

    If you are attending a session virtually, you will have the option to have the painting shipped to you.

    You can input your address into this Etsy link to calculate the cost of shipping now.

    Some people want to wait until the painting is complete to decide if the digital version is sufficient or if they would like to own the hard copy.

Virtual Portal Painting Sessions

90 minutes of interactive spiritual play, exploration and coaching.

At the end, you get some cool art.

In-Person Portal Painting Sessions

Come to my art studio in Lake Villa, IL to experience a channeled session - leave with guidance, insight and a painting.

Art that sees into your heart…

What will Spirit say to YOU?

Virtual Portal Painting Sessions

90 minutes of interactive spiritual play, exploration and coaching.

At the end, you get some cool art.

In-Person Portal Painting Sessions

Come to my art studio in Lake Villa, IL to experience a channeled session - leave with guidance, insight and a painting.